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In His Time


I remember as a younger Christian always wanting to jump 10 steps ahead.  I always wanted things “NOW”, and didn’t always understand when it didn’t work that way.  In all honesty…my heart and intent was mostly good, as I wanted good and godly things for my life.  I was like a young flower whose bud had not opened, and I was trying to prematurely bloom, peeling back the petals.

I will never forget when God started showing me how to relax, seeking Him and His path, but letting Him do all of the revealing of His plan.

Consider the flowers & fruit bearing plants.  They don’t strive to produce fruit.  They simply soak in the nutrients needed to grow, and the rest beautifully unfolds as a result of them getting what they need.

Our job as beloved children of God is to soak in the truths God has graciously given us.  We need to sink our roots deep into His word, and surround ourselves with other Godly women to draw from.  Like the plant reaches toward the sun, we should turn our hearts and faces to the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we do our part, our lives will become beautiful & fruitful in His time!

